Material Matters Impacting our Business

We are proactively identifying and analyzing the various material issues that may impact our business, our stakeholders and the value we create. These help us in defining the right strategies to effectively address material issues and ensure long-term value creation.

Materiality Determination

We have undertaken a desktop mode to identify the material matters given the pandemic situation which restricted undertaking extensive external engagement. We have arrived at these issues basis feedback from routine engagements with external stakeholders, distribution of survey-based forms to internal stakeholders and benchmarking with peers while keeping in mind the GRI standard principles of materiality. A detailed discussion on the material issues and how we are addressing the same has been captured in the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report section of this Report, Click here.

Our Material Matters

  1. Sustained performance & quality
  2. Health, safety and environment
  3. Climate change
  4. Intellectual property
  5. Innovation
  6. IT data center & farsight disaster recovery
  7. Training and education
  8. Maintenance
  9. Data protection
  10. Brand risk/reputation
  11. Customer satisfaction
  12. Disaster recovery