
About Bharat Forge Limited

Unprecedented challenges and crises, like the one the world is going through now, tests both our patience and perseverance. And during these testing times, we need both inspiration and assurance. Perhaps nothing else in nature teaches us more valuable lessons in patience and perseverance than the humble bamboo tree.

Like any plant, it requires nurturing – water, fertile soil, sunshine. But unlike any other plant, we see no visible signs of life in the first year. In the second year, again, no growth above the soil. The third and the fourth year too pass, and still… nothing.

The patience of the grower is tested. by this time, the doubters begin to lose hope whether these efforts will ever be rewarded. But not the seasoned bamboo grower. he continues nurturing the plant – patiently and persistently.

And finally, in the fifth year the bamboo tree shows signs of growth. and what growth it is – 80 feet in just six weeks.

But how is it possible? what was unseen is that in all these years, the bamboo tree was growing a strong foundation under the ground. Had it not done this, it would not have sustained its life as it grew.

At Bharat Forge, we have been growing a strong foundation that will ensure sustained success.

In the past few years, we have seeded new verticals which we are nurturing by providing the right ingredients – capital to invest in technology & people and access to R&D set-up.

We are upskilling and reskilling our people in line with the requirements of the future.

No tangible benefits or progress of these efforts are visible yet. But what is unknown is that this extraordinary hard work, dedication and perseverance has created a solid foundation. and when the time is due in the medium term, these businesses will unleash growth that will change the dynamics of the Company.

We believe Patience Matters. Perseverance Counts.